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DD-WRT Router - PPTP VPN Setup
Updated over a week ago

Step 1.
Open web browser and enter your DD-WRT router's IP ( Default ) to access admin interface.

Step 2.
After you are logged into Admin interface, Go to Setup > Basic Setup

Step 3.
Under WAN Connection type, change connection type from "Automatic DHCP" to PPTP and fill in the gateway and VPN credentials. 

Connection Type : PPTP
Use DHCP: Yes
Gateway (PPTP Server) : ( List all VPN Gateways)
User Name: Your VPN Username
Password: Your VPN Password
PPTP Encryption/MPPE Encryption : Enabled
Under Optional Settings, Change MTU from Auto to Manual and value as "1400"

Step 4.
Scroll Down to "Network Address Server Settings ( DHCP )"

Set Static DNS 1:
Set Statis DNS 2:

Step 5.
Scroll down and click on apply settings and reboot the router.

Step 6.
VPN will be connected in 2-3 minutes after reboot. You can verify by visiting your new IP address. 

If you require any assistance, Please feel free to contact support at or on Live Chat. We are happy to help!

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